
Law and Business Organisations: A reflection on studying a law module.

Madda Rashwan, a BSC Accounting and Finance student describes her experience of studying Law and Business Organisations and how it has inspired her future study aspirations.

By Madda Rashwan, BSc Accounting and Finance Student (Final Year)

Madda Rashwan, is an Accounting and Finance student at Coventry University. Madda reflects on her experience and the skills gained studying the Law and Business Organisations module in the second year of her degree.

The Selection

As an Accounting and Finance student at Coventry University, I was granted the chance to select one module of my choice during the second year of my course. Once I noticed the Law and Business Organisation module (238CLS), I knew it was bound to be beneficial. I am very pleased to say that it was.

The Teaching Team

My course is primarily based on numbers, therefore, 238CLS was a refreshing change. From day one, the tutors were absolutely wonderful. They were very supportive, knowing how little we knew about law. Their patience when explaining the material is something we still reflect on today. The way they delivered the material, starting with the development of the common law, followed by many other areas, was highly intriguing. Because of the amicable atmosphere and the method of delivery, the material did not feel overwhelming. Instead, it felt as though we were socialising with our lecturers, which made it easier to adapt to the new environment. Given that every course has a different writing style, the lecturers helped us adjust our writing to a more appropriate one. This is a skill I will always appreciate learning.

The Legal Knowledge

Before studying this legal module, I studied a business module which provided me with general background pertaining to separate legal personality. After studying the Legal and Business Organisations module, however, I truly understood the meaning of the corporate veil and the many legal aspects associated with it. I learnt how to research case law, which applied and developed these aspects. I also learnt how to balance, justify and critically analyse a given argument by finding relevant legal authority to support, or refute, its credibility. Moreover, I developed a strong understanding of contract law. Regardless what one’s discipline is, this module provides  students with an understanding of what makes an agreement legally binding. I learnt what counts as a breach in a said agreement, and how to advise people on possible available remedies. Therefore, I am more confident in resolving conflicts, in a general and/or professional capacity.

Learning about the common law and equitable remedies was also thrilling. As a non-specialist, it was easy to jump to conclusions when judging a certain legal issue, seen on the news for example. This may include disputes pertaining to personal injury or a complicated case of dismissal. Learning on this module helped me understand that each case decision has a rationale which explains its reasoning logically.

I am more aware of my rights and duties as an employee, and, therefore, more confident in defending myself against possible discrimination or/and harassment in the workplace. I am more informed about criminal law, especially bribery and money laundering.

Future Plans

Since the end of the module, I have become so fascinated by law that I am now considering a postgraduate masters degree that combines both, my current course and law. It became apparent that the knowledge I gained was beneficial for me regardless of my current degree. I am grateful for this exceptional experience.

Interested in studying law with us? Our Law LLB course offers you the opportunity to gain practical legal skills, develop your global experience, and get career ready, with expert staff and employment support. CLS also offers exciting LLM options including the LLM Law, LLM International Commercial Law and LLM International Human Rights Law.

2 replies on “Law and Business Organisations: A reflection on studying a law module.”

Great job, I’m so proud of how you’ve progressed. You are on the right track, hope you graduate with the best possible grades.

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