Coventry Law School Blog

Coventry Law School Blog

We have over 50 years of experience teaching Law at Coventry, and we are proud of the rich student experience we offer, the dynamic research of our academic staff, and the prominent careers of our alumni. Read on to find out more about Coventry Law School, and the work of our students, staff, alumni and friends.

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Why do some returning officers wear silly hats?

I have been attending election counts, lately as an election agent, for over 20 years. One thing I’m often asked at these counts (as one of the lawyers there) is why some English declarations involve returning officers in chains, gowns,…

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Returning officers in silly hats
As a School, we value the principle that staff and students can work together as partners. This collaboration ensures that our activity is underpinned by our staff expertise in law and education, whilst also being informed by the experiences, needs and aspirations of our students. This partnership gives everyone the opportunity to work together to discuss and resolve current legal issues, and gives our students the opportunity to help shape the future of the School.
Dr Gary Betts, Head of Coventry Law School

About Us

Coventry Law School is part of the College of Business and Law at Coventry University. It offers both undergraduate and postgraduate law courses. For further information about Coventry Law School click here.


Coventry Law School
College of Business and Law
Coventry University
Priory Street, Coventry CV1 5FB
United Kingdom

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