Student Experience

Eight Months in Örebro

Faiqa Shahzad spent eight months in Örebro, Sweden, immersing herself in a new culture and experiencing different aspects of the law. Learn more about her experiences.

Student Experience

Life Lessons Learnt at a Year Long Placement with the Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre

When Stephen Ray Andrada commenced his placement at the Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre he expected to learn important skills to help his future career. He did not realise that he would learn important life lessons during his placement as well.

Student Experience

Course reps – the student voice is being heard from far and wide!

What is like to be a course rep, and why are they needed? Hear from Caroline Texeira Gouveia on the key elements of her role, and how she works to improve the course experience for everyone

Student Experience

Giving back to the community – a year long placement at Coventry Citizens Advice

Read about LLB Law student Hoda Abid’s experience working for Coventry Citizens Advice during her placement year – and how it has helped her shape her future career choices.

Student Experience

Mon French Adventures

Read about LLB International Law student Claire Kasasbeh’s experience studying in Lyon, France – immersing herself in a new culture, and developing life long skills.