Academic Research International Law Public Law

Does the Rwanda affair support the repeal of the Rwanda Act or reform of the Human Rights Act 1998?

Introduction This blog examines the Rwanda saga and the constitutional dilemma created by the policy and passing of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024 (“the Rwanda Act”), together with its human rights implications. Once again, the application of the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”) has enraged the UK Government and increased […]

Academic Research International Law

Is Frontex and Dublin III the solution to the Channel migrant crisis?

Irregular migration – principally the stream of migrants seeking to enter the UK on small boats – looks set to be a key focal point in the forthcoming general election. The Prime Minister has made ‘stopping the boats’ a key pledge for 2023 – and one of the Government’s proposed solutions is the enactment of […]

Academic Research International Law

Outer Space: a possible save haven?

Outer space may become a place of succor or hiding to suspects who wish to evade prosecution and possible sentence for offences committed on earth. Many who are not aware of the prospect of outer space being a final frontier may seek to underplay what the environment has to offer to humans. The pristine environment […]

Academic Research International Law

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: An Unjustifiable Breach of International Law

Dr Andrew Jones examines the extent to which Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine amounts to a violation of international law.

Academic Research International Law Student Experience

The Legal Basis for EU Sanctions on Russia

Dr Stuart MacLennan explains the legal basis and decision-making process for coordinated EU sanctions against the Russian Federation.