Academic Research Public Law

Why are pregnant women in prison?

Rona Epstein, Honorary Research Fellow at Coventry Law School, explains her recent research into why pregnant women are incarcerated and offers suggestions as to alternative sanctions for criminal behaviour in those who are pregnant.

Academic Research Public Law

Police investigations, expectations of privacy and press freedom

Dr Steve Foster explores the implications of the recent Supreme Court decision in Bloomberg LP v ZXC [2022] UKSC 5 on an individual’s privacy and reputation interests, press freedom and investigative journalism.

Academic Research Public Law

The rule of law is not rocket science: just follow the law!

Dr Steve Foster reports on another case of the courts reminding the government to follow the rule of law: Craig v HM Advocate [2022] UKSC 6

Academic Research Public Law

Religious sensibilities, free speech and condom adverts

Dr Steve Foster, Associate Professor in Law at Coventry University, examines a rare decision of the European Court that upholds freedom of expression over religious sensibilities.

Academic Research Private Law Public Law

Medical Negligence, Human Rights and the Duty to Protect

Rebecca Gladwin-Geoghegan and Dr Steve Foster comment on the recent decision in Traylor v Kent and Medway NHS Social Care Partnership Trust [2022] EWHC 260 (QB)

Academic Research Public Law

A very British privacy claim

Dr Steve Foster reflects on the divorce proceedings between the Duke and Duchess of Argyll, their impact on modern privacy cases and how the case may have been treated differently if it were to be heard now.

Academic Research Public Law

‘Tit for tat’ and harassment; free speech implications

Dr Steve Foster examines the judgment in Pal v United Kingdom (Application No. 44261/09, decision of the European Court of Human Rights 30 November 2021) and its impact on freedom of expression in harassment proceedings.

Academic Research Public Law

Controlling abuse of power in the UK Constitution: the futility of judicial review

Dr Steve Foster, examines the limitations to judicial review in light of the ‘Good Law Project’ case.

Academic Research Public Law

The ‘gay cake’ case before the European Court

Dr Steve Foster discusses the recent ruling by the European Court in the ‘gay cake’ case: Lee v United Kingdom, application No. 188060/19, decision of the European Court (admissibility) 6 January 2022.

Academic Research Public Law

Reforming the Human Rights Act 1998: The Case Against

Dr Steve Foster considers the arguments against the government’s recent proposals to reform the Human Rights Act 1998.